Thank you so much…
Without your jealousy, your words, you telling me that I’m stupid and incapable and unworthy, I would have never been able to gather my courage and fly away and escape into a life of solitude like I did.
Without you telling me that I’m fat and ugly and that no one would ever want me, I would have never ended up in abusive arms that pushed me to become the person incapable of loving blindly I am.
And without your hate, daily humiliation, abuse, you making fun of every step I took and every word I said, I wouldn’t be fighting for survival and fighting against oppression of the minority, the unheard, the misunderstood, the revolutionary thinkers.
You made my life so much more interesting.
You telling me that I will never make it, that I don’t have a talent, that I can’t sing… well guess what.
It doesn’t matter if I can’t sing because these words are mine, and this voice is mine, and that’s all that matters. No they don’t care about your obsessive absolute pitches, yes I got sh*t tons of truths to say.
You were never able to say you’re sorry, you just said it’s all over and now you can only be a better person, but even if it didn’t change what I feel in my heart, a ‘sorry’ is the least I expected and you’re a coward for not being able to utter one!
Some things you need to remember:
1. You are beautiful, very beautiful…….. I have shown you that.
2. You have enormous talent, indeed, you are a genius.
3. You can most certainly sing……. you have an awesome voice with even more awesome range.
4. Many of us love you…… some more than you will ever know.
5. “Critics are like eunuchs in a harem; they know how it’s done, they’ve seen it done every day, but they’re unable to do it themselves.”
6. “Illegitimi non carborundum”……. Don’t let the bastards grind you down!